Antique Desk revamped for a Pre-teen


It starts with a funny story….asking my husband to take down a plain white desk from target to the garage so our daughter can paint it something fun. Then….there’s a crash and he drops the desk down the stairs and it breaks into a million pieces. My hubby “it was crap anyway”. Well, thanks. There goes that idea. So I decided to look in some local antique stores and found a cute roll top desk to revamp. I loved the pull out for added space and the fact that she could close it up and all the mess was hidden.


First stop was Hobby Lobby. I let my daughter pick the paper and knobs. She loves music so she picked music note paper and glitter chevron for the pull out and drawers. She had talked about incorporating sea horses into her room for some time and I had no clue how to do that without it looking tacky, so this knob was an easy solution. It was painted in Annie Sloan Emporers Silk chalk paint and sealed with clear wax. The paper was applied with Modge Podge and sealed with the same. It took me a day to complete this piece and it truly represents her. I highly suggest hitting up a local antique dealer for some affordable pieces made of REAL wood and personalizing it. Now my other three kids want one too….lol


9 thoughts on “Antique Desk revamped for a Pre-teen

  1. Wow you sound like an awesome mother 🙂 I’d have loved to decorate my room as child in any way I wanted. And you’re so right! Antique stores, thrift stores and even stuff people throw I ut on the side of the road make awesome revamping opportunities. Thank you for this inspirational post! ❤

    The Little World of Linda |

    • Thank you so much Linda! You’re right about the side of the road…people throw out really nice “real” wood furniture that an easily be repaired and revamped and made modern. 🙂

  2. Love this and this colour looks fantastic. I am waiting for the right piece of furniture to use my Annie Sloan Emperors Silk on, its such strong fantastic colour. I have just finished a bench for our hallway which is on my latest blog and would love to know what you think. I am new to blogging and loving finding like minded people who enjoy the same hobby as me. Its great to read other blogger tips ect. You have inspired me to paint red! Jemma

    • Thanks! Ya know I was the same with this color. I bought it when I bought a whole other batch of colors and it was the one I hadn’t used because I really didn’t know what to use it on because it is such a strong bold color. My daughter picked it and it really “pops” next to the soft blues of her room. I’m always blown away too by how a little goes so far. I used the sample size for this piece and still have some left over. I really love chalk paint!

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