DIY : Jeweling your shoes like Gap and JCrew

I ordered these heels from Target in silver and black just so I could try my hand at DIY jeweled heels. I love the versions that are sold by JCrew and Gap but they can be pretty pricey. I have a handful of broken necklaces that I’ve been saving in case the jewels might come in handy. So I took out a couple of broken JCrew knock-off necklaces and started taking the jewels off with needle nose pliers. So easy. I use E6000 glue which really is the best crafting glue on the market. I played around with the jewels until I achieved a look I liked and then glued them in place. It took maybe 10 minutes and I’ll have a fabulous pair of heels to wear tonight! I’m ready to jewel some sandals next!


Just break some jewelry and have fun creating your own jeweled shoe brooches!

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